Celebrating UIL Team Member Tianyi Wang's Acceptance to Yale University


We are thrilled to announce that Tianyi Wang, our esteemed summer intern alumnus, has been accepted to the M.S. program in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Yale.


Tianyi graduated with a B.E. degree in Vehicle Engineering (Automobile) from Tongji University in June 2024. Since then, has joined the Urban Information Lab (UIL) as a summer intern, working under the supervision of Dr. Yiming Xu, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab. In 2024-2025, Tianyi will pursue his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Yale.

His primary research area in the lab centered on intelligent transportation systems and connected and automated vehicles, particularly in decision-making, trajectory-planning and cooperative control. His research vision is to build a safer, more efficient, and stable autonomous driving system.

Tianyi designed a Hierarchical Lane-Changing Gaming (HLCG) Decision Model to achieve effective discretionary lane-changing maneuvers in mixed traffic environment, submitted to the TRB Annual Meeting 2025. Collaborating closely with Dr. Junfeng Jiao and Dr. Yiming Xu, he is currently working on two more papers regarding cooperative on-ramp merging control in mixed traffic.