Housing market price movements under tech industry expansion during COVID-19


This study investigates the impact of technology-based corporation relocations on housing prices during COVID-19 in Austin, Texas, and Seattle/Bellevue, Washington, focusing on Tesla and Amazon. Using a difference-in-difference (DID) method, changes in housing prices near and away from the new corporate locations are analyzed within 5-mile and 10-mile radii. Results show a positive influence of corporate relocations on housing prices post-pandemic, with Tesla's relocation affecting prices beyond 5- and 10-mile radii in Austin and Amazon's relocation impacting prices near the site and beyond a 10-mile radius in Seattle/Bellevue. This study integrates COVID-19 housing market conditions and corporate relocation effects, offering spatial and temporal insights into housing price variations across specified radii.


Junfeng Jiao, Mira R. Bhat, Amin Azimian and Akhil Mandalapu

Further reading

Difference-in-Difference Estimation (2022), “Columbia Public Health”, available at: www.publichealth. columbia.edu/research/population-health-methods/difference-difference-estimation

Corresponding author

Amin Azimian can be contacted at: amin_azimian@yahoo.com

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